All In The Same Boat

All In the Same Boat is a long-term project developed in three phases: February, May and July 2017. The aim of the project is to grow up youth worker against the hate speech and discrimination. February 2017, Training course – Portugal (Porto) The goal of this first phase is been to give competences to the…

Access-Ability Inspectors – Latvia

Access-Ability Inspectors was a project with participants with mixed ability. It was implemented from the 3rd to the 10th of March 2017 in Jurmala, Latvia. The main idea of this project was to build new partnership and new projects to strengthen the NGOs’ capacity in the fields of disability rights, accessibility and inclusion of young…

Countryside Magic – Georgia

The youth exchange “Countryside Magic – Rural Exchange on Creativity and Entrepreneurship” took place in Gremi, Georgia, from the 16th to 24th of September 2017. The youth exchange has been hosted by Temi Community, based there since 1989, and offers a membership to socially vulnerable people and gives them safe and decent environment for realising…